Revolutionising the Future of Sustainable Food Production

Pulse Processing Ltd have developed cutting edge technology that will decorticate several species of cereals and pulses with 99% removal of husk and hulls. This enables secondary processing for other applications using a fraction of the energy requirements of our competitors.

Our Goals

Celebrating Faba Beans  

To introduce and promote Faba Beans as a sustainable and nutritious food source to the UK consumers by raising awareness of their incredible health benefits as a carbon negative crop. Our industry leading technology will help Faba Beans become the new superfood.

Promoting their Ingredient Profile

Our locally grown Faba Beans are an excellent plant-based source of protein and naturally gluten-free. A rich source of fibre with a high percentage of resistant starch which is a key factor in the proliferation of good bacteria in the gut, thus improving physical and mental health well being.

Improving Sustainability and Health 

Faba Beans’ are a solution to help address global challenges like climate change, food security and healthier diets. Faba Beans are proven to remove Carbon Dioxide and harvest free Nitrogen from the atmosphere. A healthy crop of Faba Beans will be carbon negative.

Our Processing

Our cutting edge Maverik Technology DeHuller and Separation Unit removes 99% of hull and retains 99% of kernel using 85% less energy than our competitors.

We use UK sourced Faba Beans to supply the growing demand in both the consumer food sector and pet and animal food production.

Contact Us

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly.